Monday, March 21, 2011

Celebrating the Series: The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood


The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood saw the return of the Silurians, making their first appearance in the show since the Fifth Doctor adventure, Warriors of the Deep. Adam was impressed with the former rulers of our planet and told us, 'I think the best monster for series 5 were the Silurians', and James agreed, 'the new Silurians look very awesome and (I) want them to return.' Jack echoed their thoughts, saying, 'The Silurians were brilliant! I can't wait to see if they are in another episode.'
John wrote, 'I really liked the return of the Silurians. I think they (the Doctor Who team) brought them to a modern audience brilliantly with their new look and character. I was really upset at the time about Rory's death and being erased, I really like his character and his relationship with Amy. I thought the best moment of the story was where the Doctor realises the TARDIS exploding is the cause of the cracks and I couldn't wait to see what happened next...'
Yes, Rory's apparent departure hit home with many people. Iesha told us, 'When Rory died I was shocked! My dad walked in on me crying and said it's just a show!' Marie was equally touched by that moment: 'It was a shame to see Rory die but I was really happy to see his return in The Pandorica Opens. Hopefully he won't die again!!' We agree with you there, Marie! Holly called Rory's apparent destruction 'a jaw-dropping moment' but felt the episode ending offered 'a brilliant twist'.
Kit took a different approach and was struck by the scene in which 'the Silurian prisoner claims she is the last of her species and the Doctor says "I'm the last of my species, and I know how it sits in the heart." If I hadn't already been in love with Matt Smith, that line alone would have made me fall for him.' Ahem!
And finally, Nelly told us '...for me there was one special moment when the Doctor put on a pair of sunglasses in the night, utterly sure that he was cool whilst looking more the old alien than ever. He is so clearly in his element as he delightfully says, "I know who they are!" His delivery of that one line had me laughing - the perfect Doctor and my favourite regeneration.'


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